Sunday, February 20, 2011

I've been working on so many things lately!
First, I'm designing a new collection of jewelry. I'm calling it the "Ivy Series". As always, it reflects my love of nature. The pieces are so elegant and pretty. And so original! I've used some of my favorite new beads too. (I'm secretly attracted to these because of a wonderful character in the series I'm reading...Ayla...) The collection is still in the works, but I will post a picture or two to wet your appetite...
I'm also working on a new website. I've realized that the bulk of my "online sales" are really from people contacting me and ordering via email or facebook. So I am going to experiment with a site that does not have a shopping cart. As most of you know, I designed and created my website BY MYSELF! I think I did a good job for someone who knows nothing about programming and very little about computers at all.) Well, to save myself some money and because I feel I need a change, I'm doing it again. Please be on the look out for my new website...coming soon!
I've also spent most of this month locating new arts & crafts festivals. I intend to focus on this type of venue this year. Be sure to check my facebook page for details (and my new website:).

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